Malayalam cinema

Kalyani’s act of courage

Parshathy J Nath speaks to Garggi Ananthan, who played the lead role in the Malayalam film Run Kalyani.

5 years ago

Snapshots from DALIFF 2019

Aswin Ramachandran attended the Dalit Film and Cultural Festival (DALIFF) in New York earlier this year, and wrote about it…

6 years ago

In conversation with R. Abilash

Athiyan interviews Tamil writer and film enthusiast R. Abilash. This conversation touches on politics, caste, love, and more; rooted in…

7 years ago

ஆர்.அபிலாஷுடன் ஓர் உரையாடல்

தமிழ் எழுத்தாளர், சினிமா ஆர்வலர் ஆர். அபிலாஷூடன் அதியனின் நேர்காணல். தமிழகத்தின் தற்போதைய சமூகக் கலாசாரச் சூழலில் வேரூன்றி இருக்கும் அரசியல், சாதி, காதல், போன்ற பலவற்றையும்…

7 years ago

LGBTQ+ stories at City of Asylum

Anusha Srinivasan writes about Sancharram and Trembling Before G-d, films that talk about oft-ignored stories.

7 years ago

Chemmeen: The novel and the film

Athiyan writes about his experience of reading a Tamil translation of Chemmeen, the Malayalam novel, and watching Chemmeen, the classic…

7 years ago