
A gun, some blood, and MysskinA gun, some blood, and Mysskin

A gun, some blood, and Mysskin

Ramchander writes on Mysskin’s film Onaayum Aattukkuttiyum and translates passages from the filmmaker’s book about the film.

4 years ago
Telling stories about ‘the rest’Telling stories about ‘the rest’

Telling stories about ‘the rest’

The team behind Baaki Pictures talks to us about documentary filmmaking.

5 years ago
Future of Cinema: Storytelling through EpisodesFuture of Cinema: Storytelling through Episodes

Future of Cinema: Storytelling through Episodes

Ramchander recaps for us a panel discussion he attended during SGIFF 2019.

5 years ago
Making of Asvagosh, the documentary: An interview with Vamsi & Uma KathirMaking of Asvagosh, the documentary: An interview with Vamsi & Uma Kathir

Making of Asvagosh, the documentary: An interview with Vamsi & Uma Kathir

The World of Apu speaks to Vamsi and Uma Kathir, the makers of a documentary on Tamil writer Rajendra Cholan.

5 years ago
Conversation with Oren Gerner: Best Director at SGIFF 2019Conversation with Oren Gerner: Best Director at SGIFF 2019

Conversation with Oren Gerner: Best Director at SGIFF 2019

What is it like to direct a movie in your home, with your parents making up the cast?

5 years ago
Found Filmmaking: a conversation with Filipino filmmaker Raymund Ribay GutierrezFound Filmmaking: a conversation with Filipino filmmaker Raymund Ribay Gutierrez

Found Filmmaking: a conversation with Filipino filmmaker Raymund Ribay Gutierrez

What does it take to make a movie that doesn't shy away from reality?

5 years ago
Mysteries of MonsoonMysteries of Monsoon

Mysteries of Monsoon

Sripad Sridhar shares his experiences as a wildlife photographer and filmmaker.

5 years ago
Amanda Nell Eu loves monstersAmanda Nell Eu loves monsters

Amanda Nell Eu loves monsters

A conversation with the Malaysian filmmaker.

5 years ago
A chat with Paula Ortiz and Javier García ArredondoA chat with Paula Ortiz and Javier García Arredondo

A chat with Paula Ortiz and Javier García Arredondo

Ram met the director and screenwriter of the Spanish film La Novia when they were in Singapore for EUFF 2019.

6 years ago
In conversation with Anna VidulejaIn conversation with Anna Viduleja

In conversation with Anna Viduleja

A short email interview with the Latvian filmmaker.

6 years ago
Meeting Kenneth TanMeeting Kenneth Tan

Meeting Kenneth Tan

Kenneth Tan, the chairman of Singapore Film Society, speaks about his 29-year-long association with the European Union Film Festival.

6 years ago
Interview with Mark VerkerkInterview with Mark Verkerk

Interview with Mark Verkerk

The Dutch filmmaker tells us about his nature films and making animals act, among other things.

6 years ago
Interview with Gurvinder SinghInterview with Gurvinder Singh

Interview with Gurvinder Singh

Iniyavan Elumalai, our press correspondent at IFFR 2019, chats with filmmaker Gurvinder Singh.

6 years ago
Meeting Eva IonescoMeeting Eva Ionesco

Meeting Eva Ionesco

Iniyavan Elumalai chats with Eva Ionesco at IFFR 2019, helped by a translator and a lot of coffee.

6 years ago
A conversation with Behrouz NooranipourA conversation with Behrouz Nooranipour

A conversation with Behrouz Nooranipour

The documentary and feature filmmaker from Iran answers our questions over email.

6 years ago
گفتگو با بهروز نورانی پورگفتگو با بهروز نورانی پور

گفتگو با بهروز نورانی پور

فیلمساز ایران از سوالاتی در مورد ایمیل پاسخ می دهد.

6 years ago
Scents and SensibilityScents and Sensibility

Scents and Sensibility

Ramchander overhears a conversation between Santiago Gamboa, a novelist from Colombia, and Tran Anh Hùng, a filmmaker from Vietnam.

6 years ago
In conversation with ChezhiyanIn conversation with Chezhiyan

In conversation with Chezhiyan

This interview with writer-cinematographer-director Chezhiyan touches on a wide range of topics—world cinema, realism in cinema, independent cinema, current trends…

6 years ago

செழியனுடன் ஓர் உரையாடல்

உலக சினிமா, எதார்த்த சினிமா, சுயாதீன சினிமா, தமிழ் சினிமாவின் தற்போதைய நிலை, ஒளிப்பதிவு அணுகுமுறை என்று வெவ்வேறு தளங்களைத் தொட்டுச் செல்லும் உரையாடல்.

6 years ago

The Seen and Unseen

Priyadershini watched Kamila Andini's film and attempts to recreate her journey.

6 years ago

In conversation with Girish Kasaravalli and Siddiq Barmak

Ramchander met the filmmakers when they were in Singapore, for Sg.SAIFF 2018.

6 years ago

Amit Agarwal: Bringing a film festival to life

An interview with Amit Agarwal, Artistic Director of the Singapore South Asian International Film Festival.

6 years ago

In conversation with Mirjam Unger and Sandra Bohle

Filmmaker Mirjam Unger and screenwriter Sandra Bohle from Vienna talk to Ram about their work, creative process, cinema in Austria,…

7 years ago