Why aren’t we talking about Indian Parallel Cinema?

Omar Ahmed makes an impassioned plea for us to pay attention to the films that constituted this movement.

6 years ago

Minority Report: Visual Effects and Storytelling

Konstantinos makes a case for VFx as an effective storytelling tool.

6 years ago

My Favourite Films of 2018

Iniyavan makes a list for us.

6 years ago

On Location

Naveena tags along with a film crew and lives to tell the tale.

6 years ago

Scents and Sensibility

Ramchander overhears a conversation between Santiago Gamboa, a novelist from Colombia, and Tran Anh Hùng, a filmmaker from Vietnam.

6 years ago

In conversation with Chezhiyan

This interview with writer-cinematographer-director Chezhiyan touches on a wide range of topics—world cinema, realism in cinema, independent cinema, current trends…

6 years ago

செழியனுடன் ஓர் உரையாடல்

உலக சினிமா, எதார்த்த சினிமா, சுயாதீன சினிமா, தமிழ் சினிமாவின் தற்போதைய நிலை, ஒளிப்பதிவு அணுகுமுறை என்று வெவ்வேறு தளங்களைத் தொட்டுச் செல்லும் உரையாடல்.

6 years ago

Along a trail of some of Delhi’s aged cinema halls

Mitsu visits some of Old Delhi's single screen cinemas and comes back with pictures.

6 years ago

About the seventh issue

A quick look at what we have in our anniversary issue, and notes from the editors.

6 years ago

Around the world with cinema – 2

Once again, film recommendations for many moods, in many languages.

6 years ago

Still Here, Reel Queer

Anusha reports from the 33rd edition of ReelQ Film Festival in Pittsburgh.

6 years ago

The case is closed

Amit Agarwal takes a close look at Mrinal Sen's 1982 film Kharij.

6 years ago

The Neon Demon

Michael Derrick writes about Hollywood's tryst with horror, and Nicolas Winding Refn's polarizing film, The Neon Demon.

6 years ago

The Dead by Christian Kacht

Kasper Håkansson writes about a novel that is part historical fiction and part nightmare. What if cinema was a tool…

6 years ago

Christian Kracht: De døde

Kasper Håkansson skriver om en roman, der er delvist historisk fiktion og delvist et mareridt. Hvad hvis film var et…

6 years ago

An Asian American Film Festival

Anusha attends Silk Screen film festival in Pittsburgh.

6 years ago

The Seen and Unseen

Priyadershini watched Kamila Andini's film and attempts to recreate her journey.

6 years ago

Towards normalisation

Anusha writes about ReelAbilities Pittsburgh, a film festival with a difference.

6 years ago

On the perils of opining about a movie

Why watch a movie? Why write about it? Madhu has questions, and maybe some answers.

6 years ago

Of feet, burqas, and boundaries

Ramchander's notes from Sg.SAIFF 2018.

6 years ago

In conversation with Girish Kasaravalli and Siddiq Barmak

Ramchander met the filmmakers when they were in Singapore, for Sg.SAIFF 2018.

6 years ago

Madras Film Screening Club

A short interview with the team behind MFSC.

6 years ago

From dawn to dusk

Jayanthi Sankar spends a day at the Singapore South Asian International Film Festival 2018.

6 years ago

Amit Agarwal: Bringing a film festival to life

An interview with Amit Agarwal, Artistic Director of the Singapore South Asian International Film Festival.

6 years ago

A song across generations

A short essay by Sara Siddiqui Chansarkar, about the potent power of nostalgia, and a song from the Hindi film…

6 years ago

About the sixth issue

A directory of features in our sixth issue. You could begin here!

7 years ago

Around the world with cinema

Film recommendations for many moods, in many languages.

7 years ago

Interview with the team of Tashi

Ramchander met the cast and crew of Tashi, an independent film shot in Singapore.

7 years ago

In conversation with B Prasanna

He composed our magazine's theme music! But we spoke to him about other things too.

7 years ago

How Studio Ghibli brought Japan back to me

Julia Shiota writes about growing up Japanese-American; with art work by Clinton Tham.

7 years ago