
Oh The Horror!

Konstantinos, whom you might have spotted often in these pages, is now a podcast host!

4 years ago

The making of Wade

Upamanyu takes us through the process of making Wade, a climate change horror film.

5 years ago

Amanda Nell Eu loves monsters

A conversation with the Malaysian filmmaker.

6 years ago

Found Footage: Chronicles of Horror, Realism, and Case Studies

Konstantinos writes about Found Footage and its long-standing popularity in the horror genre.

6 years ago

The Neon Demon

Michael Derrick writes about Hollywood's tryst with horror, and Nicolas Winding Refn's polarizing film, The Neon Demon.

6 years ago


A short story by Sithuraj Ponraj, in which he gently satirizes an obsession with K-pop, while riffing on romcom and…

7 years ago

Pari: Rethinking Horror

Jiya writes about her fascination for Horror stories, and why the movie Pari brings some freshness to this genre.

7 years ago