animated films

The making of Wade

Upamanyu takes us through the process of making Wade, a climate change horror film.

5 years ago

Of displacement and memory

Paroma writes about the animated film, The Breadwinner, set in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan.

5 years ago

On Tezuka Osamu’s experimental animated shorts

Julia Shiota revisits part of the legendary artist’s filmography.

5 years ago

Bombay Rose: On patriarchy and the Indian male

Ramchander has questions after watching Gitanjali Rao's animated film.

5 years ago

Score to Screen: UP

Sureshkumar listens closely to the “Married Life” montage from Up, to examine how music is married to the moving images.

6 years ago

How Studio Ghibli brought Japan back to me

Julia Shiota writes about growing up Japanese-American; with art work by Clinton Tham.

7 years ago

Paper art expresses a mega landscape change

Coco introduces us to Rob Carter's stop-motion film Metropolis.

7 years ago

地景劇變的割紙藝術 | 英國逐格動畫


7 years ago

Do you watch cartoons?

A fabulous comic panel by Unaka, about the pleasure of watching animated films.

7 years ago

Díváš se na animované filmy?

Báječný komiks od Unaky o požitku ze sledování animovaných filmů.

7 years ago