< 1 min read

Konstantinos, friend and regular contributor of The World of Apu, has been a longtime fan of the horror genre. He has been planning this podcast for months, and we are happy to let you know that at the time of publishing this issue, he already has six episodes available for listening.

The first episode is an illuminating conversation with a psychologist, on the link between cinema and psychology. How have directors made use of psychology to create horror films? Are children more susceptible to paranormal phenomena? What is the impact of portraying children as a source of evil? Another episode delves into a more everyday kind of horror—our insecurities and anxieties, and how all of this can render someone monstrous in our imagination.

Subsequent episodes feature conversations with scientific experts and filmmakers on specific topics within the horror genre, like the found footage subgenre, a perennial favourite. In fact, Konstantinos wrote an article about this for our ninth issue.

Found Footage: Chronicles of Horror, Realism, and Case Studies

We believe conversations around cinema are more important than conversations about cinema. It is always necessary to discuss cinema and its implications with experts of other fields, and this is what Konstantinos hopes to explore. If you are a fan of the horror genre, or even if you simply can’t understand what others see in it, perhaps this podcast might be interesting to you. Here’s wishing Konstantinos the very best for this initiative!

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